A quick overview of property taxes
Property taxes are fees levied on privately-owned property such as real estate and vehicles, with the amount charged depending on the property’s value. Property taxes are generally the primary source of revenue for state and local governments, and support several government services including the local school district, public safety departments and road maintenance.
Each state has its own set of property tax guidelines; however, property taxes are calculated by taking a percentage of the property’s value, called the assessed value, and multiplying it by the local tax rate. The tax assessor is the person who determines each property owner’s tax bill.
If you still have a mortgage, you likely are paying a portion of your taxes each month as part of your mortgage payment, which goes straight into your escrow account. When your tax bill comes due, your mortgage lender pays it for you.
4 thoughts on “10 States With the Largest Property Tax Bills”
Big surprise, the top ten are all Democratic strongholds, I live in Oregon and pay $6800 per year, yes another Democrat state. As an aside we do not have sales tax and we cannot pump our own gas. DB
Lived there all my 84 years of life and all the Dems have done is to raise, raise and raise taxes until they strangle you and you have to move out to survive. That’s what all these Democratic run states do.
General trend: 1) More socialized the economy (take from ‘Peter’ give to ‘Paul’), the larger the property tax with not relation to home value, 2) The bluer the state, politically, the higher the tax rate, 3) numbers of people fleeing living in a state may correlate to the tax rate.
Interesting study if possible: How have the top ten states grown economically over the past 30 years relative to other states as a function of tax rates .
Be it Democrat or Republican when you have lived all of your life paying taxes there should be a reduction or a end of older tax payers who are now living on a fixed income. Cook County Illinois is horrible. You go for an appeal you are either rejected or your taxes are higher on the next payment. I am trying to find somewhere to move right now