9. Driving with an open container of alcohol
The only state that doesn’t have a clear law regulating the possession, therefore consumption of alcohol in a vehicle is Mississippi. So, if you live in Mississippi, driving with an open container of alcohol is not illegal, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL).
However, this doesn’t mean that Mississippi doesn’t have any drunk driving laws. If you get caught, you can get a fine, license suspension, and even jail time. Plus, your car insurance rates will be pretty high for at least three years after the “incident.” So, you might want to keep that beer where it belongs… in your refrigerator.
Another interesting law applied in Delaware, Alaska, Missouri, Connecticut, Virginia, and Tennessee, is the one that doesn’t forbid passengers in a vehicle to drink. The rest of the states have strict laws for both passengers and drivers (they aren’t allowed to drink while being in a vehicle).