3. You can try on clothes before buying them
Members have the chance to try on the clothes they are thinking of buying before actually purchasing them. That will spare them from a trip to the crowded malls. You can pick up to six clothing items, including shoes and accessories and they will be shipped to your door for free.
You have no more than seven days to try them on and buy what you like.
4. You can even share the membership
You can share your Amazon Prime membership with your household through Amazon Household. However, you can only do that with an adult to whom you’re related to.
5. You have access to exclusive brands
Amazon is expanding and it’s starting to include more and more exclusive brands. Amazon Elements products are already available, but only to Prime members. This brand includes vitamins, supplements, and more.
6. You have unlimited photo storage
With Amazon Prime, you get a HUGE amount of storage for your photos. Now, you no longer have to worry about not having enough space for all of your great vacations, or family pictures. You can share this storage with up to five family members or friends.
With Amazon Drive, you can even store documents.
7. Amazon Prime gives you free music
With your membership, you have access to more than 2 million songs. You also have access to podcast episodes. You no longer have to pay extra for other music apps. Save your money and start listening to free music now!
8. You also have access to free books, audiobooks, and magazines
That’s right! Your Prime membership will give you free access to the things listed above. On Prime Reading, you can find over 1,000 publications of your liking. You can borrow up to 10 books at a time.
The collections are updated periodically.