Here’s another strange law: It’s illegal to honk your horn near any place where sandwiches and cold drinks are served to customers after 9:00 p.m. in Arkansas. It’s not clear why they put this crazy law into effect, but if you don’t want to experience an encounter with the police, “keep your hands where I can see them”!
The common phrase “here, birdie, birdie, birdie” shouldn’t be used in California before 7 a.m. To be more precise, it is illegal to whistle for your lost canary before 7 a.m. Like most of the laws listed here, we don’t know how this weird law came about. The moral of the law: Don’t lose your canary before 7 a.m.
If you live in Colorado, don’t keep your couch on the porch! It’s illegal! The law applies to mattresses and upholstered chairs, too. However, if you’re furniture is actually designed for outdoor use, you’re fine; you can still sit on your porch, enjoying your morning cup of Joe or an apple pie.