9. Too much sun can be dangerous for you
Staying out in the sun, enjoying the good weather, and maybe even getting a tan, sound like the perfect escapade. The thing is that too much sun can take a toll on your skin.
Too much sun exposure and sunburns can also increase the chances of getting skin cancer. It sounds a little scary, but it’s 100% true. If you usually spend your time staying in the sun you should avoid the dangerous hours.
That is between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Between these hours the rays of the sun are more damaging to your skin. Make sure you avoid them as much as possible.
What do you think about Florida after reading these facts? Would you still consider moving here? Tell us what you think down below in the comments.
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7 thoughts on “9 Reasons You Shouldn’t Retire In Florida”
No thank you. I have problems where I live now in Tennessee, but those sound much worse.
I have another reason not to move there and his name is Ron De Santis
I love it.
Been to FL three times in Motorhome in the Winter. Bugs were terrible. Very expensive.
I lived in Florida for 60 years & finally escaped to North Carolina after retirement. Everything mentioned in article is absolutely true. The primary reason for my departure was the unbearable heat & humidity which seemed to bother me more as I aged.
So very glad I don’t live there anymore.
This article is so biased I can’t believe a word. My pool costs me about $20 a month and is a bargain. No bugs, fewer wierdos than any other state, cleaner, spacier, and hot; yes, but certainly bearable. Better value, better governance, and I carry no house insurance. I self insure, and after 10 years, am far ahead. I may get caught, but can afford it. Tennis, golf year round. What’s not to like. Leo Pfeiffer leopfeiffer@aol.com
I’ve lived in Florida for the last thirty years , and I wouldn’t live anywhere else . I’m originally from Buffalo NY and would never go back to live there .