Many Americans Don’t Know As Much As They Should About Social Security
The conclusion? America truly needs to brush up on knowledge regarding Social Security. The combination of the lack of savings with false information carried on by assumptions and word-of-mouth can be detrimental to many U.S. households.
Not only that, but 2037 isn’t that far away, either, when we’re expected to receive 25% less than what we’re currently used to. If there was ever a time to start learning more about how the program works, it’s definitely now!
Based on the survey, younger people know even less than the older generation. If you have young people in your life, whether or not they started saving for retirement, we think it’s time to talk to them about the benefits of coming up with a plan early- and make sure to also share your newly acquired knowledge, too!
For even more information on Social Security benefits, make sure to create a “my Social Security” account on the Social Security Administration website.