“Do you own your own home or rent?”
While interviewers may ask about your current address, how long you’ve lived there and how long you’ve lived at your previous address, they can’t ask any more questions pertaining to your living situation.
That meant that they can’t ask if you own a home or if you rent. They also can’t ask who you live with or if you’re related to the people you live with – think roommates VS. family members.
“Do you have a bank account?”
Your credit history is confidential thanks to the Consumer Credit Reporting Reform Act of 1996 and the Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1970.
Is the interviewing asking you if you have a bank account? If you’ve ever declared bankruptcy? Well, that’s highly illegal. What they can do, instead, is ask for a credit check. This won’t affect your credit score, unlike other credit inquiries.
So, there you have it! The next time you’re going in for an interview, keep these questions in mind and watch out for shady employers who want to discriminate against you in any way, shape, or form.