2. They will call you
This is the old-school version of tax scams. They will call you impersonating an IRS agent or a tax professional and will try to make you disclose your personal information or send them money.
They will also try to scare you by threatening you with deportation, arrest, or other legal issues. However, there can be more creative ways to try and trick you.
What can you do?
If you are getting random calls, then question marks should start popping up in your head. Bear in mind that the IRS will NEVER ask you about personal information or to pay taxes through a phone call.
In addition, the organization never threatens to take legal action against you or demand immediate payment without giving the taxpayer a chance to appeal the amount.
3. They will steal your identity
Identity theft has made A LOT of victims. If the wrong people get their hand on your Social Security number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number they can pose as you, and file a return to claim a refund.
What can you do?
Protect your personal data at all costs, try to avoid getting dragged into the previous two steps, and, in addition, change your passwords regularly and make sure the security software and firewall are up to date.
Encrypt sensitive files and information you used in previous years for tax filling.