3. Threats that law enforcement will be called
What better way to scare people than by pretending you are an IRS employee? Believe it or not, a lot of people are afraid of someone who is yelling at them and pretends to have the authority to do that and in most cases, the elderly are the most easily intimidated. That’s why statistics revealed that the majority of people who were scammed by the thieves are over 60 years old. That’s awful because we all know how hard it is to be a senior citizen in our country!
However, the IRS agents strongly caution us that requesting rapid payment through a phone call or an email is a common indication of a scam. If by any chance the phone call comes from a certified employee of the IRS, they will most probably never ask you to do this over the phone, and the police would certainly not get involved in dealing with an unpaid tax payment because it is a civil matter.