Millions of American seniors rely on their Social Security benefits. In fact, most of them aren’t able to live their lives as they should and deserve without the amount of money they receive from Social Security.
Unfortunately for them, the Social Security program may suffer some drastic changes in the near future. Why? Because the amount of money to be given to retirees may surpass the payroll taxes that are collected from today’s workers. Also, nowadays, people have a tendency to have fewer kids and live longer.
In 2021, your Social Security benefits may change forever, so let’s take a closer look at its projections, as some of us may not have enough money to pay their bills due to that fact.
Click on the “NEXT” button to discover the possible Social Security changes!
1 thought on “Social Security Projections to Add to Your List of Worries”
How about government pensions? What will happen to them? Probably nothing as they are the elite. However, I believe it is time for the government to honor all of those IOU’s that were generated back in 1964 when LBJ decided to sell them to SS. Fat chance. Technically, SS is just part of the general fund. It is part of the overall budget and,as such, is not required to be funded by contributions from current payroll taxes.
People who paid into it for their entire working life deserve to collect it with interest when they retire. It was not intended to be s slush fund even though corrupt politicians treated it that way. Enough is enough. Democrats, own up and do the right thing. Stop ripping off honest, hard working americans.