17. Thomas Peterffy owns 581,000 acres of land, much of it in Florida.
Thomas Peterffy is a Hungarian-born businessman who founded the stock broker firm Interactive Brokers and developed one of the first computerized stock-trading platforms. In 2015, Peterffy purchased a massive plot of timberland in Florida from Foley Timber & Land, forming the basis for his land holdings.
8 thoughts on “These Are the 20 Biggest Landowners in the United States”
Thank God Turner has 2 million acres and the largest buffalo herd in the world. If it weren’t for Mr. Turner then our national treasured buffalo would be listed as another endangered species and the few left would only be seen in Zoos!!! What a wonderful way to use his land.
Thank you! Enjoyed the information.
Nice to know wealthy people are being responsible and care about our earth and the native animals. How about Native American Indians in these areas. Thanks
Native Americans used to own this whole continent until someone else decided they deserved to have it instead!!! There are no guarantees in this life.
How much money has turner 2 million acres and animals
Thanks for the information. Timberland owners have a responsibility to present and future generations to manage their resources to ensure present and future generations will be able to enjoy the land and environment. I hope the practice of clear-cutting forest tracts that remove every last tree from the site has gone the way of the dinosaur.
{ wonder what the property tax on 2.2 million acres comes to.
the land and buffalo are a big tax deduction