Although many Americans haven’t received their second round of stimulus payments yet, President Biden has already mentioned a $1.9 trillion stimulus package proposal for the third round. We don’t know exactly when this third round of stimulus payments will come, but considering that the IRS will handle them, we could expect the same delivering issues.
In fact, numerous factors determine the timing of your next stimulus payment. Some of them include:
- Are stimulus checks a top priority for President Biden?
- If yes, will they be combined with other stimulus measures or given as a stand-alone bill?
- What are the issues that cause the delay?
All of the above should be clarified before letting out the third round of stimulus payments. Some people don’t know what happened with their stimulus payments, although they qualified. And while indeed these are unprecedented times, Americans are waiting for clear answers, as well as clever solutions.
9 thoughts on “When Could We Get the 3rd Stimulus Check?”
we never received the 2nd one for 600.00
never got second check of 600.00
I recall that President Biden promised $2,000 checks – is this proof that he is lying , again?
What happened to the balance of money from the FIRST stimulus?
What happened to the balance of money from the SECOND stimulus?
And you’re talking about a THIRD stimulus?
Does the current administration NOT want people to get back to work, or do they plan on keeping all of us on the government’s teat forever?
Nobody questions anything. There seems to be an unending ATM machine in D.C. going to special interests…especially the unions! How un-American we have become!
Please clarify unions…? I doubt that “forever” is the plan but I’m sure starvation is as bad as the virus so I guess trying to help is better then setting back waiting for either one to happen. Can’t satisfy everyone but it is better to try and help the one’s who appreciate it. Kinda the American way of giving the people the “Hand up” that this country has been known for when it began…..
I got the 1st stimulus, didn’t get the second, so I doubt I will receive the 3rd. And I qualified. Who knows.
yep im on ssd havent recieved my second yet why?
We have not received our $600.00 checks let alone the $1400.00 and we qualify!
Will there be a letter like Trump sent with that stimulus check to campaign for reelection?