Procrastinating on some important tasks is something almost everyone can relate to, at least to some degree. Whether you’re narrowly missed a deadline at work or brought last-minute supplies on the day of a bit party then you know what we’re talking about- and you definitely know what the stress of putting off tasks can do to your body, mentally and physically.
The same goes for taxes. The more you sit on them and the closer the deadline gets, the worst off you’ll feel when you finally get around to them. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. In 2019, as many as 34 million Americans filed their taxes one week before the deadline. Estimates also show that the same number of people filed their taxes in March!
But if a tax refund of around $2,800, which an average of 70% of taxpayers receive, isn’t a good enough reason to file early, then we’ve prepared a list of 5 other benefits!
Click NEXT to find out why filing your taxes early can be advantageous and stop procrastinating!