You might think that since you are actually spending less money by not going out as much as you once did, you don’t have to keep an eye on what you do spend on. However, tracking regularly how much you spend and cutting out certain expenses that you don’t really need is critical these days.
“We’re living a time of financial uncertainty, where jobs are at risk and businesses are unsure of their future,” said Leslie Tayne, founder and head attorney at the debt solutions law firm Tayne Law Group.
“By reducing expenses of non-essential goods and services, you can increase the amount you save to ensure that you’re still able to pay your bills or have some money in savings if you or a loved one loses their job. Interest rates quickly add up, and the last thing you want to do in a financial situation like this is put yourself further into debt.”
Read on to discover the things you should never pay for, especially during a pandemic.