7 Inhuman Acts That Are Legal in Some Countries

Some of us will be terrified to find that in our days many countries practice dreadful acts such as bestiality, rape, necrophilia, cannibalism, castration, stoning, incest, mutilation, slavery and public flogging. These acts continue to occur today even if our world is so evolved, some parts of it are living in the past.

You’re probably thinking that these horrific acts aren’t legal, even if they are practiced today, but even now in some parts of the world, they aren’t horrible, in fact, they are legal. Let’s find out together the horrific acts of some countries!

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1 thought on “7 Inhuman Acts That Are Legal in Some Countries”

  1. I am interested in the history of taboo topics like bestiality as well as current attitudes and laws focused on taboo topics. It seems to me a lot of important detail about our human history is hidden by the label:”taboo topic” and social pressure. After all, our ancestors must have dealt with all the stuff we now labeled taboo.

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