12. Women’s Suffrage in America
This law was passed by Congress in June 1919 and ratified in August 1920, and it guarantees American women the right to vote. This victory took decades to be fully completed since, to be honest, this law needed to be approved from the beginning of time.
Both women and men are equal. Unfortunately, few women’s supporters lived to see the victory in 1920. This was a big step towards making the country a bit better than it used to be.
13. Repeal of Prohibition
This 21st Amendment to the Constitution was ratified and it was the end of an era. People were allowed to drink alcohol again. Let’s get wasted! Most Americans were probably more than happy at that time.
This movement started in the 19th century when most people were concerned about the adverse effects. Plus, a lot of them were making illegal transportation with alcohol.
These laws changed everything in America forever. Especially our lives. What do you think about them? Do you think America is a nice country? Tell us your opinion.
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