“Have you ever been arrested?”
In most states, it’s illegal for employers to ask if you’ve ever been arrested, but they are allowed to ask if you’ve had an arrest that led to a conviction.
But these rules differ from state to state. For example, in some places, interviewers can ask about convictions that relate directly to the job. If you’re applying for a driving conviction, your potential employer could ask if you’ve ever been convicted of driving under the influence.
So, don’t hand out your arrest records before checking what laws apply in your state.
“What is your native language?”
Interviewers that think they can get around asking you where you’re from by asking what your native language is would be operating outside of the law.
Yep, they’re not permitted to ask about your native language, even if the position you’re applying to requires you to be bilingual. In that case, the most they can ask is what languages you speak and how fluent you are, that’s it!