When Could We Get the 3rd Stimulus Check?

Photo by Jason Raff from Shutterstock

Other Possible Reasons for Delay

President Biden said numerous times that his number one priority once he enters the White House is fighting the coronavirus. Many Americans have suffered a lot due to the coronavirus pandemic. We could even say that 2020 was the year of losses.

And while among those losses is the financial loss too, we can’t possibly forget about the lives that COVID-19 has taken from us. COVID-related health measures are a top priority for President Biden and for good reasons.

However, this also means that economic relief payments will not be in the spotlight. As a result, we may see a delay in the third round of stimulus payments.

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9 thoughts on “When Could We Get the 3rd Stimulus Check?”

  1. What happened to the balance of money from the FIRST stimulus?
    What happened to the balance of money from the SECOND stimulus?
    And you’re talking about a THIRD stimulus?
    Does the current administration NOT want people to get back to work, or do they plan on keeping all of us on the government’s teat forever?
    Nobody questions anything. There seems to be an unending ATM machine in D.C. going to special interests…especially the unions! How un-American we have become!

    1. Please clarify unions…? I doubt that “forever” is the plan but I’m sure starvation is as bad as the virus so I guess trying to help is better then setting back waiting for either one to happen. Can’t satisfy everyone but it is better to try and help the one’s who appreciate it. Kinda the American way of giving the people the “Hand up” that this country has been known for when it began…..

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