In Nebraska, you can’t get married if you have an STD.
Nebraska laws prohibit anyone with any kind of venereal disease from marrying. This law is in place to protect people from unknowingly marrying someone with an STD – however, it is difficult to enforce.
When obtaining a marriage license in Nebraska, you don’t have to present your medical records or history, just a picture ID and proof of age – no blood test is required.
4 thoughts on “The 10 Weirdest Laws in the United States”
Some of these laws apply to a lot of states. The one you missed is that its illegal to carry wire cutters in Texas. REASON: so that you can not cut any wire fences to free cattle or trespass.
In Illinois it is illegal for pigeons to fly over the 7th district (the downtown loop.)
How do pegions know where that is? Duh…..
Pigeons in Chicago are very smart.