4. Fake charity organization
Some criminals will lure you with the fake pretext of a charity using the promise of a tax deduction. They will convince you to give them money and then will try and claim it on your taxes.
They can even go as far as stealing your personal information with which they will commit further fraud.
What can you do?
The IRS displays a search feature named Exempt Organizations Select Check through which you are able to determine if a charity is legit or not. In case you get a call of the sort ask them what their Employer Identification Number is, which everyone should provide.
5. Your preparer is scamming you
Most Americans are hiring a professional to take care of their taxes, a tax preparer. Some people are trusting the wrong individuals with that job, and it turns out they were scammers all along.
What can you do?
Always ask them as many questions or details as possible. Also, ask them what their IRS Preparer Tax Identification Number is since paid preparers have to register with the IRS.
If you know more tax scams leave them down below in the comments.
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