These 7 Successful Entrepreneurs Are Older Than You Think

Photo by Ratana21 from Shutterstock

2. Harland Sanders created the famous Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant chain at 62

He was a famous American businessman, best known for founding fast food chicken restaurant chain Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). After serving in the military and experimenting a large number of various jobs, Harland Sanders ran a service station in Kentucky and served fried chicken to bring in more customers, when he was 40.

His recipe became famous and in 1952, Kentucky Fried Chicken started when Sanders franchised his recipe to a friend in Salt Lake City, Utah. A decade later, the company had grown to hundreds of franchises, and Sanders sold his ownership for $2 million.

Today, the world’s second-largest restaurant chain after McDonald’s is valued at $12.6 billion, according to Forbes.

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