5. The Ted Bundy Trial
Ted Bundy’s trial was televised and had huge ratings. Because he was one of the biggest monsters in U.S. history and especially because he escaped twice it had huge media coverage.
The trial was a huge circus, because of his charismatic personality, proposing to his girlfriend in courtroom, he chose to represent himself and was even praised by the judge for his skills as a lawyer despite his heinous crimes.
6. The Impeachment Hearings
Once the news that the former president Bill Clinton had an extramarital affair with someone working at the White House broke loose, the media was all over the place.
When the hearings started it was even worse, it was indeed a public mediatized circus.
It doesn’t happen that often for a president to have an affair (and be caught) and then be impeached so you can say this was really the trial of the century.
7. The OJ Simpson Trial
You may already know the famous case and how outrage and shock the televised trial sparked. The famous football player, also know as the ”Juice” was accused of the murder of his ex wife (who he also was abusive with) and her friend (and possible lover) Ron Goldman, he was found not guilty.
The whole trial started a media circus, from the famous White Bronco’s hot pursuit to the gloves that didn’t fit. To this day the whole event remains an enigma.
You may also like this related article as well: Top 5 Scandals That Shook The Political Stage.