7 Tips for Getting the Biggest Refund Check Possible
We are all expecting our tax refunds just like a kid who waits for his most desired Christmas present. However, the difference between our kids and us is that we

8 Highest Paying Jobs in Law Enforcement
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), law enforcement describes the individuals and agencies responsible for enforcing laws and maintaining public order and public safety. So, the umbrella term

7 Good Reasons Why You Should Say NO to Credit
Credit cards are believed to be one’s best friend, but, in reality, they are only friends with the rich. It's

8 Unexpected Costs of Owning a Home
Don't be naive about the costs involved in being a homeowner! Yes, it is great to get rid of your monthly rent payments, but owning a home is not just

7 Things You Should Know When You’re Struggling to Pay Your Mortgage
As you probably know, you are not a homeowner if you are dealing with a mortgage—the bank is... until you pay

8 Signs You’re Not Ready to Retire (at Least Not Yet)
Retiring is not an easy thing to do. The road through retirement is paved with a lot of obstacles which,

6 Key Questions You Should Ask About Social Security
Did you know that the Social Security program was officially accepted in 1935 in order to give retirement income

Already Retired or Close to It? Here’s a List of Costly Risks You Should Know
In the United States, the Society of Actuaries (SOA) has identified some post-retirement risks that can seriously affect your income.

Here’s Why Your Social Security Check Is Getting Smaller
Did you know that, according to the Social Security Administration, also known as SSA, an estimated 45 million Americans