Going through a tough divorce is one of the most challenging things our lives could bring about. While no one wants to experience this, it could even happen to the strongest and longest marriages. When you get married, you do it because your heart says so, thinking you’ll stay happily married forever; sadly, you’ll never know what the future holds for you and your spouse.
Indeed, some marriages last forever, and if yours is one of them, you’re pretty lucky. There is one divorce around every 36 seconds in our country, meaning 2,400 divorces per day and 876,000 divorces annually. Statistics show that the vast majority of them happen due to infidelity, so if you have nothing to hide, understand and value your partner, you could easily respect the phrase “until death do us part.”
Yet, the following celebrities didn’t manage to respect their vows, resulting in some of the most outrageous and expensive divorce settlements ever.