Credit card payments
You can’t charge your monthly credit card payment on another credit card. But, perhaps you’ve been tempted to use a cash advance from a credit card to bolster your checking account so that you can pay other bills.
You’ll generally pay a cash-advance fee and likely a higher interest rate on the amount of cash advanced Remember that your credit card is not an ATM!
Next, you should control your impulses…..
14 thoughts on “Don’t Make These 8 Payments With Your Credit Card!”
Thanks for the information, that is very helpful.
question??? if there is any kind of mistake??overcharge??lost items?? never received the entire shipment?? ONLINE ..IS NOT YOUR CREDIT CARD your best protections???to dispute a charge??
Yes. As long as if the order is complete you pay it off in full right away
If you have a debit card through your bank, there are also certain guarantees and protection and it depends on the seller’s criteria on disputes.
I always try to use companies like PayPal when I make online purchases when I can.
Great insight on when not to use my credit card !
this is all just common sense. if you dont know this you should not have a charge card
Applause for you, Mike! Well said!
This is great advice if you’re new with credit cards. When I worked at Wells Fargo Bank in the late 90s, there were many people like myself that didn’t know how credit cards worked, per se. It’s where I learned to read the fine print.
Now for younger people (18 and up) there’s so much information about what to do and what NOT to do that wasn’t available back then…
its okay to use your credit card to buy anything. You are using there money and you can dispute any charge and not pay!!!
Most people DON’T have common sense when buying so, thanks for reiterating what I always tell my kids.
place all your income in your checking/savings account each month, then no extra charges.
All of these tips and suggestions are interesting but when I win Publishers Clearing House’s $10000,00 A WEEK FOR LIFE I won’t use another credit card again—just cash, cash, cash, (tee-hee) Okay you guys, you can stop laughing now
Nope. I’m gonna win it. 😂
Like you, my mom used to dream of winning too. She pass away few years ago and I didn’t see PCH bring balloons and a check to her door. Just saying.