Here’s Exactly How Much You Need Saved for Retirement in Your State
Few financial questions tend to reverberate with people more than “how much do I need to have saved for retirement?” After all, your retirement is supposed to be a time

8 Garage Sale Shopping Tips to Help You Score Great Deals
There are an average of 165,000 garage sales in the United States every week, where Americans buy about 4,967,500 items, according to the analysts at Statistic Brain. We’re drawn to

8 People Reveal How They Doubled Their Income
If you’re not making as much money as you want or deserve, don’t be discouraged. There are many ways you can boost your earnings — and even double your income

9 Businesses You Can Start With Less Than $10,000
Not all startups are glossy tech companies. At some point, every business was starting up. Click ahead to see some businesses that

10 Easy Tips That Can Help You Retire Rich
Envision that perfect, comfortable retirement: You’re on the beach, soaking up the sun and sipping on a cocktail. Or maybe you’re at home indulging in hobbies, taking long morning walks

10 Ways to Pay Off Your Mortgage Early
Making monthly mortgage payments can sometimes feel like something you’ll be doing for the rest of your life — but it doesn’t have to be. Paying off a 30-year fixed-rate

11 Ways to Get Your Financial Life in Order
If you’re struggling with debt, you’re not alone. A survey found that the average American is over $52,000 in debt, with a third of those polled stating that credit card

15 Hidden Fees You Had No Idea You Were Paying
You know that, if you're late filing your federal taxes or paying your credit card bill, you'll get slammed with a fee. But there are hidden costs in all sorts

10 Smart Ways to Survive Rising Healthcare Costs
Although healthcare costs haven’t been snowballing as fast in the last five years as they had in the decade before, many American budgets are likely tight due to expensive medical