In Georgia, it’s forbidden to eat fried chicken with a knife and fork.
This Gainesville, Georgia ordinance, passed in 1961 as a way to get publicity for the town, explicitly outlaws eating fried chicken with anything other than your hands. Although the “law” isn’t really taken literally, and is rarely enforced, one visitor was arrested for using a knife and fork to eat her fried chicken in 2009.
Gainesville Police Chief Frank Hooper reportedly informed 91-year-old Ginny Dietrick that it’s against city ordinance to eat fried chicken, “a culinary delicacy sacred to this municipality, this county, this state, the Southland and this republic,” with anything other than your fingers.
4 thoughts on “The 10 Weirdest Laws in the United States”
Some of these laws apply to a lot of states. The one you missed is that its illegal to carry wire cutters in Texas. REASON: so that you can not cut any wire fences to free cattle or trespass.
In Illinois it is illegal for pigeons to fly over the 7th district (the downtown loop.)
How do pegions know where that is? Duh…..
Pigeons in Chicago are very smart.