In Kansas, tire screeching is illegal.
Residents of Kansas cannot screech their tires, which has been interpreted as a breaching of the peace. The official law states that “it is unlawful for any person or persons, while operating a motor vehicle on the streets or highways of the city, to accelerate or speed the vehicle in such a manner or to turn a corner in such a manner as to cause the tires to screech.”
If you slam on the brakes fast enough or have to avoid something in the road, your car’s tires could potentially screech. Though it’s difficult to determine the extent to which this law is enforced, and perhaps a police officer would let you off with a warning in this instance, it’s best to avoid screeching your tires or speeding while traveling through this state.
4 thoughts on “The 10 Weirdest Laws in the United States”
Some of these laws apply to a lot of states. The one you missed is that its illegal to carry wire cutters in Texas. REASON: so that you can not cut any wire fences to free cattle or trespass.
In Illinois it is illegal for pigeons to fly over the 7th district (the downtown loop.)
How do pegions know where that is? Duh…..
Pigeons in Chicago are very smart.