Did You Know About Trump’s 32 Lawsuits After the Election? Here’s How They’re Going!

Photo by Brandi Lyon Photography – Shutterstock.com

Michigan – 4 Losses, 1 Pending

When it comes to a federal lawsuit in Michigan, Rudy Giuliani falsely declared that Trump’s campaign achieved the results they wanted despite the fact that their lawyers withdrew from the lawsuit. This was in connection to GOP observers that were asked to stand six feet away from ballot counters. This was, in fact, not done in order to commit voter fraud by officials. The distance required was actually a measure put into place due to the spread of COVID-19.

A group known as the Election Integrity Fund wished to stop the certification of election results in Detroit, a predominantly African-American area. The group alongside Sarah Stoddard, a poll challenger, claimed that absentee ballots were improperly reviewed. Due to a lack of proof, Judge Timothy Kenny denied the motion. He also later denied other motions through a separate ruling.

Not only that, but another lawsuit was filed against Detroit and Wayne County by a Republican-leaning law firm. Due to alleged voter fraud, they requested an entirely new election to take place, but a judge denied the case.

In Michigan, a judge was asked to de-certify the state’s electoral votes. Sydney Powell, who filed the federal lawsuit, cited “voting statistics from a county that does not exist”. In addition to numerous typos, it is unclear if a judge would even accept the lawsuit.

The Trump campaign also attempted to stop ballot counting in Michigan, but Judge Cynthia Stephens said the request made no sense since the ballots had nearly been fully counted by that point.

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