20 Unnecessary Things You Are Wasting Money On

Bottled water

Dasani 20 oz. bottled water: $1.99

Buying bottled water harms the environment because it consumes resources and creates waste. And, it’s terrible for your wallet. Purchasing one bottle of water every day, even at only $1 per bottle, will cost you $365 a year. You can buy a reusable water bottle for less than $5 and fill up with tap water, which costs an average of $0.005 per gallon.

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1 thought on “20 Unnecessary Things You Are Wasting Money On”

  1. I do not have any choice in the gas I buy when the manufacturer states to use premium gas. I usually follow recommendations when using a product. If there is a problem, I can say “I followed the directions and still had the problem”.

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