10. Government Imposter Scams
This type of scam is probably the most commonly used in our country. Scammers pretend to be government officials and rip off Americans on a regular basis. However, the imposters could also claim to be friends with a family member or a tech support worker. Again, retirees are targeted the most.
If someone suddenly appears at your doorstep claiming to be a government official and asking for financial and personal information, you are right to be suspicious. Medicare will not call you; Social Security will not call you. No institution will approach you by phone.
Please do not provide your personal information or wire money to someone you don’t know just because he/she claims to be a government official.
2 thoughts on “11 Common Scams Targeting the Elderly”
One very good wasy to get rid of the grandchild call is to ask for his or her middle name. They will immediately hang up.
Another scam is a call telling you your computer has a virus and they can get rid of it for you when indeed they are putting the virus in and charging you big bucks to get rid of it, then later calling you telling you they can’t fix it and is going to return your money. Instead they wind up taking more money.